1. Before installation of new piston rings it is necessary to check gaps in their locks. It is meant that side gaps of landing of rings in flutes of pistons are already checked and meet standards (see Check of a condition of components of conrod and piston group). 2. Spread out conrod and piston assemblies with sets of rings on a working surface of a workbench. From this point each set of rings will "be rigidly tied" to the piston. Now it is possible to start measurement of gaps in locks of rings.
3. Fill the top (first) compression ring in the first cylinder of the engine and level it perpendicularly, having pushed the piston bottom down (see an accompanying illustration). The ring has to appear around the lower bound of the working course of rings in the cylinder. |
4. Determine ring lock gap size by means of the probe of lezviyny type (see an accompanying illustration). The edge(s) of the probe has to slip hardly in the lock. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications. If the gap exceeds the limit of admissible range in this or that party, first of all once again make sure that did not mix a ring. |
5. If gap it is too small, it can be expanded by boring with a file with small tooth. Clamp a rectangular file in a vice, then put on a ring the lock a file so that the end of the last appeared in a ring circle. Slowly pull a ring on yourself, removing excess of metal from its end faces in the lock. Having reached the end of a file, remove a ring, again check a gap, in case of need repeat the procedure.
Do not push a ring from yourself at all on a file as at the same time edges of the lock will meet and the risk of destruction of metal is high. |
6. The excessive size of a gap is not crime if does not exceed the limit stipulated in Specifications. Still make sure that the acquired sets of rings answer according to the characteristics to the engine of your car. 7. Repeat the procedure for the remained rings (the second compression and oil scraper) the piston of the first cylinder, then for all other pistons. Remember that now each set of rings "is unambiguously tied" to the piston on which it has to be installed. 8. Having checked and having modified properly gaps in locks of rings, it is possible to start their putting on on the pistons.
9a. The first on the piston the oil scraper (lower) ring puts on. On the majority of models the oil scraper ring consists of three separate sections. At first fill in the lower flute of the piston a spring dilator of an oil scraper ring (see an accompanying illustration). If the dilator is equipped with an antirotational uvula, track that the last got to reciprocal drilling in a piston flute. |
9b. Now establish the lower working section of a ring in a flute. In order to avoid casual damage of working sections of an oil scraper ring do not use any tool for their installation, – just bring to a flute under/over a dilator at first one end of section, densely press it a finger and, moving on ring perimeter, fill the rest (see an accompanying illustration). In the last turn the top working section of a ring is established. |
10. Having put all three components of an oil scraper ring in the lower flute of the piston, check freedom of rotation (sliding in a flute) the top and lower working sections. 11. The second compression ring is established by the following. The ring has to be established by marking up (to the piston bottom).
Strictly follow instructions of manufacturers of rings which are usually printed on packing of a set. Do not mix the second compression ring with first (top) – they have various cross section. |
12. Having used the special landing tool and having tracked that the ring was turned by marking up, put him in an average flute on the piston (see an accompanying illustration). Try not to part the ring lock more than it is really necessary for its free putting on on the piston. |
13. Working in a similar manner, establish the first (top) compression ring (marking up). Try not to mix the top ring with the second. 14. Repeat the procedure, having serially equipped with rings all pistons. |